Suitable for smooth, medium, long and thick coats.
Our planet friendly, handmade moult master removes loose dead hair effortlessly from your pet's coat, leaving it healthy, shiny and your home hair free!Long-lasting, anti-rust stainless steel teeth
Easy to hold, ergonomic handle for a comfortable grip
With blade protector cap for storage.
Before using the Moult Master, ensure your pet's coat has had all large knots and tangles removed, is clean/washed and the coat is completely dry. It is best to use the Moult Master outdoors or in an easy to clean area. Collect all the hair you remove - it's so saitsfying!
Hold the Moult Master with your thumb on top of the grip behind the head. With smooth, even strokes, applying a little pressure, move in the direction of the coat. The undercoat and dead hair will come out painlessly, giving an even glossed finish to the coat. Work evenly all over the main sections of your pet's coat (do not use on delicate areas such as ears, stomach or around the eyes or genitals), working in sections and ensuring you don't over repeat the process in any one area.
While you are doing this, take time to look and feel over each part of your pet. Knowing your pet's contours and form helps you to know what is normal, so you can quickly identify and seek advice for anything that is new or unusual.
Our undercoat & shedding guide has some handy hacks to help de-shed your pet.
If you pet is moulting and your home shows the effects - use a Mikki Pet Hair Magnet to help restore your home to it's former glory!